As an admitted student to Seattle University's Law school, they have been sending me all kinds of information trying to get me to commit to their school. Alot of the literature is targeted to out of towners, so much of it is about the city and the area. Here are some of the things I found interesting:
- Population: Seattle 572,000 And suburbs 3,388,000
- Average Rainfall: Seattle - 36.2 inches, San Fran - 19.2 inches, New York City - 40.3 inches
- The Olympic Peninsula receives 160 inches of rain annually.
- 96 espresso stands in downtown, Seattle
- Seattle residents purchase more sunglasses per captia than the rest of the US
- Washinton State is know for apples, fine wines, asparagus, wheat and salmon...all of which I enjoy from the local producers.
Come visit :)